Thursday, March 20, 2008

Hope International University

There is a saying at almost every Bible College, which states, "ring by June or your money back." Unfortunately this is just an unwritten mantra and not official school policy. If it were true, I would have had a free college experience.

The reality is a lot of people were getting married, and right around the time of graduation. I just wasn't one of them. As a matter of fact, I knew a lot of people who made it all the way out with no ring.

I think the rush towards the alter was brought on by a couple of factors. The first one being, as Christian's we are taught sex before marriage is a sin. Second, there are not many places to meet others with this same value, and third being a christian does not make one any less horny (at least not the guys).

Therefore, there is a a high degree of pressure to find a soul "mate" quickly. And as Bible college may be the last "market" for finding this person, more and more people feel the need to find love at all cost.

I have good news for those who are in school, while June is quickly approaching. There is now a second chance provided to you by the Internet, with a bigger pool of people, and a better screening process.

No longer is there the stigma of desperation associated with those who find love via the web. My only advice is this. The first time you meet, make it a public place, especially if the person's screen name is "to_catch_a_predator_gueststar453"

Happy hunting.

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