Saturday, April 26, 2008

But Dr. Dobson Says...

Many Christian's will be upset with me as they read this post. However, it needs to be said. It's the truth, and my conscience will not allow me to remain silent any longer. Here goes.

If I ever see Dr. Dobson, I will punch him in the throat.

Perhaps a little extreme. Not very Christ-like. Don't care. Now, you may be asking "What could be the cause of all this pent up aggression? Has Dr. Dobson committed some atrocious act?

No. Well, at least in person. The root of the issue lies in the fact that when growing up every time we did something wrong, my loving mother would explain the error of our ways with, "Dr. Dobson Says..."

Possibly a thousand times later, this mantra grated on the very nerve that would allow me see this man as a human being worthy of love. No, there is nothing left, I have no strength to pick up a James Dobson parenting book, or visit the focus on the family website. So I am sorry to all the Dobson Fans out there, perhaps one day I will have the strength to let go, and let God. But today is not that day.

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