Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Hay Tim! No Really, it's Hay

I thought it was time to pay homage to one of the most influential people in my life, my own youth pastor, Tim Hochhalter. Now the first time we met, he did not happen to pull off a great first impression. It may have been how he rolled up the bottom of his shorts. This was apparently all the rage in Minnesota where he moved from. In spite of this setback we quickly brought Tim up to speed on California fashion in the early 90's. Which looking back probably wasn't much better than the shorts.

I am sure that Tim had a much greater impact on us, than we did on him. I will never forget the long van rides during mission trips, and countless excursions. Tim would point to some Hay bails on a farm, and say

"Hay, Jeremy..."

Only he would ask it like it was a question, in order to get our attention. Since we were almost never paying heed to what was going on up in front, we would respond, "Yeah Tim?"

He would have a smirk on his face and a finger pointed out the window to something like this:

Then he would respond nonchalantly, "Hay."

Corny, but effective. Thanks Tim for making a huge difference in a lot of people's lives...and especially mine.

Do you know someone in ministry who has made an impact in your life?

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